Freedom Fight 2

So, what’s all this “freedom fight” nonsense? Well I’ll tell you. It’s about the fact that I was bound by a number of ideologies that were largely untrue. I have, in effect, been freed from the idea that, and this is a big one, that God accepts me based on my performance. Absolutely not true! … Continue reading "Freedom Fight 2"

Freedom Fight 1

Take heart, weariness comes and goes like the waves, but the sun is always there, it’s just hard to see sometimes. As a reflection of the video I just posted, I wanted to share a couple quick thoughts. It’s harder than it seems to post content consistently but like so many other things in my … Continue reading "Freedom Fight 1"

Stand and Fight!

Is it ok if I just take a minute to unload some frustration? I mean, I don’t write this blog because I have all the answers, I write it because I am convinced that there are thousands, if not millions of people just like me, in the same position in life, with the same perceived … Continue reading "Stand and Fight!"