Stand and Fight!

Is it ok if I just take a minute to unload some frustration? I mean, I don’t write this blog because I have all the answers, I write it because I am convinced that there are thousands, if not millions of people just like me, in the same position in life, with the same perceived hurdles. Maybe we can get through it together. Maybe we can find a way to constructively encourage and challenge each other.

I think everything was ok as long as I believed that the mediocrity in my life was just fine, that there was nothing more that I was capable of. I mean, I think deep down I knew something wasn’t quite right, but I was getting along just fine in my ignorance. Now, my eyes have been opened, I realize I’ve been sold a line of bull and now I just can’t simply go back. “Why oh why, didn’t I take the blue pill!” But that’s the thing, would I really want to go back even if I could? No way!

I have to find a way, but to be honest, on days like today, frustration and discouragement seem to be winning, but I cannot let them! I will not back down without a fight! Maybe I didn’t get off to a great start early in life, but I refuse to accept that it’s too late.

If this resonates with you, stand with me, let’s stand and fight together. Let’s refuse together to accept the voices external and internal that say, “it’s too late”, “you’re not good enough”, “just go back to the old you”. No way! No Way! We can succeed, we will succeed!